It’s been a little over a month since Los Angeles Councilman Mike Bonin selected a 20-person safety task force to evaluate all road changes in Playa del Rey. After restoring lanes to Vista del Mar back in August, the Playa del Rey Safety Task Force has since decided to temporarily add back previously removed lanes on Jefferson and Culver boulevards.

Councilman Bonin has received a lot of pushback from the community due to his “Safe Streets” initiative to eliminate all traffic-related fatalities in his district. After altering many busy street lanes with protected bike lanes, lane reconfigurations, and road diets, the councilman ignited the fury of many residents and commuters.

According to the LA Times, Bonin hopes that lane restorations for the two major streets will help supporters and opponents come to an agreement about making the streets of Los Angeles a safer place. However, many of Bonin’s opponents are now calling his latest actions a “flip-flop” and plan on recalling the councilman. Representatives from Bonin’s office claim that these opponents are not only discounting the work of community volunteers, they’re also not looking for any solutions.

The new lane restorations are only a provisional step until the community task force produces its final presentation next month.