Frequently Asked Questions

At, we put the neighborhood at the center of your home search, making it easy for you to compare dozens of neighborhoods from across the country, all in one place. You can explore detailed neighborhood profiles, view property listings and photo galleries, read resident reviews, and evaluate school information. We’re also a licensed brokerage, which means you have a team of neighborhood real estate experts in your corner. We’ll be your best advocate until you find the neighborhood and home that’s right for you.

We've worked hard to find the best real estate agents who know the neighborhoods they serve. Unlike other real estate websites, real estate experts are hand selected based on their knowledge of the neighborhoods they represent, so you can feel confident moving forward with the home buying or home selling process. Contact us to get started.

Since we’re a licensed real estate brokerage, we get up-to-date listing information from local multiple listing services (MLSs)—so when you see a home listing, you can ensure that it’s accurate. For information on neighborhoods, we pull data from public records, information from Yelp, scores from services like WalkScore and GreatSchools, insight from our local neighborhood real estate experts, and reviews from real residents.

Click on the heart icon at the top right corner of the neighborhood page or home listing you are viewing. All of your favorite neighborhoods and homes will be saved to your account.

It’s easy to create an account on Once you save a neighborhood or home you like, you can create an account with your email or Facebook credentials.

In order for your home to be visible on, it must be listed in the MLS and your agent must have specified that they want your home visible on IDX websites. Additionally, your agent should have specified the subdivision/neighborhood that your home is in. Also, keep in mind that it can often take a day or more from the time your home is listed on an MLS to when it shows up on

We are committed to protecting your privacy. View our privacy policy here.

Buying a home is a huge financial and emotional decision, but we’re here to help every step of the way. This homebuyers guide is a great place to get started, and outlines all the factors worth considering throughout the home buying journey, as well as resources for continued research.

The blog is called block partyⓇ. Here, you’ll find national homebuying tips and real estate market trends, regional neighborhood guides, and insight on thousands of neighborhoods on the website.

We do not have an app at this time, but our website is easy to use on your mobile device.

As an independent real estate service, is not affiliated with any builders or homeowners’ associations that may be connected with the communities listed on our site.

We add new markets to the website each month, as we become licensed in that state. If you don't see your city or state featured on, sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep informed.

We always strive to have accurate and correct information on our website. If you see an error or out-of-date content, please contact us.

Right now, is only available in certain markets and members of certain MLSs, so if your home is in a market we don’t yet have on the website, or listed in an MLS we’re not part of, your home cannot be displayed. For homes that are in the markets displayed on, it must be listed in the MLS and the real estate agent must specify that they want your home visible on real estate websites. Also, keep in mind that it can often take a day or more from the time a home is listed on an MLS to when it shows up on At this time, we do not display homes that are for sale by owner.

Our real estate experts specialize in the purchase or sale of homes. We currently do not list homes for rent.

If you’re interested in joining our Partner Agent Program, learn more here.