The MLS Blog’s recently released Q2 report shows year-over-year increases in condo and co-op sales for a good portion of Los Angeles. Median sale prices were up in 32 regions, and negative growth was recorded in just eight areas — though declines were minimal, or based on small sample sizes. 

Q2’s Top LA Neighborhoods for Condo Sales:

Aerial View of the Wilshire Condo Towers
  1. Topanga (up 174 percent)
  2. East Los Angeles (up 98 percent)
  3. Mid Los Angeles (up 92 percent)
  4. Metropolitan Southwest (up 88 percent)
  5. Bel-Air/Holmby Hills (up 41 percent)

For the MLS, Mid LA largely comprises Koreatown and Central LA. Metro Southwest is South LA. Notably, the study also leaves out neighborhoods and cities such as the South Bay, Pasadena and Long Beach (among others). 

Of the regions tracked, 16 experienced sales volume growth of 10 percent or higher.

Trends for condos and co-ops were different than those recorded for single-family homes due to fewer units on the market for the former. Additionally, motivating factors to sell a single-family home can differ from those pushes to sell a condo. The hottest areas for single-family home sales in Q2 were Monterey Hills, Playa Vista, Atwater Village, Beverly Hills Post Office, and Cheviot Hills/Rancho Park. Atwater Village was the only top-five region for single-family home sales to also appear near the top (sixth) for condos and co-ops.