Edgewater Metra Station Promised but Development Stalled by State Budget
A Metra station in the Edgewater neighborhood has gotten the go-ahead for development and appropriate funding, but construction isn’t planned to start anytime soon. Alderman Harry Osterman (48th) announced at the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce’s annual State of Edgewater event that despite having the proper financial support, red tape from the state is keeping the project on hold.
The Metra station is planned for Ravenswood and Peterson avenues, and because of Peterson Avenue’s designation as state highway U.S. Route 14, the Illinois Department of Transportation is required to approve construction on the road. According to Osterman, the blame should be put on state lawmakers who have yet to pass a budget plan.
Osterman acquired $10 million in funding for the project, which was last reported to cost about $15 million in total.
"The money is still sitting there and the design is ready to go," Osterman told community members, according to DNA info. "It's the political infighting in Springfield that is keeping it on the drawing board."
Construction was originally planned to begin in 2013, and has been pushed back several times. In 2015, DNA Info reported the opening date of the station to be in 2017. Originally, developers said the project was expanded to include work on the nearby railroad bridges over Peterson and Ridge avenues. Design has been 90 percent completed since 2015.
The railroad station will be a part of the Union Pacific North line and is expected to decrease Edgewater residents’ commute to the Loop to 15 minutes. The station will be the fourth stop on the line from Ogilvie Transportation Center in the West Loop.
In February, Alderman Patrick O’Connor (40th) told the Edgeville Buzz that he was going to do what he could to ensure the project comes to fruition.
“I am still hopeful that this station will become a reality for our community in the near future, and I will continue to strongly advocate on our community’s behalf on this issue,” he said.