Napa's Garfield Park Could Get Footbridge, Trails With New Plan
After months of deliberation between Napa park officials, the public, and City Council, the city has expressed interest and support for a new green plan for the Garfield Park.
The six-acre western part of Garfield Park is currently barren and has little access to the public. Per the Napa Valley Register, neighbors of the park have been asking the city to do something with the open space for some time.
Callander Associates, a Burlingame landscape architecture firm partnering with Napa’s Parks and Recreation, submitted a proposal that includes picnic shelters, walking and jogging trails, playgrounds, and a foot bridge. It also includes a connection to Sierra Avenue with curbs, bike lanes, sidewalks, a pushbutton flasher for crossing the street, and some curbside parking spaces.
There have been suggestions to also relocate the community’s garden to the new land development, but details of the move are still in the works.
A final decision on what Garfield Park will look like isn’t expected until January but it sounds like the Callander plan is receiving plenty of support from city staff.