Part of Naperville's Route 59 Could Be Rezoned for Commercial Development
Land along Route 59, located near 79th Street in Naperville, is currently being evaluated by the Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission, according to the Chicago Tribune. The land could be annexed to the City of Naperville and rezoned for commercial development.
Currently, the land is occupied by three residences and the World Mission Society Church of God, according to the report. If the plan moves forward, the owner of Best Buy Carpet and Granite Tops in Aurora would open a new 12,482-square-foot location on the land. The property would also become home to a 2,626-square-foot restaurant with a drive-through window.
While the Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission is recommending the City Council approve rezoning of the property, the project is not without objections. Residents from the neighboring Areo Estates, an unincorporated aviation community, are arguing that commercial development would negatively impact their community, according to the report.
“Preserving the aviation and community spirit is ensuring the area around the airport is safe for airport operation. I think a development like this is going to destroy our community,” said Aero Estates resident James Carey, according to the report.
The owner of Best Buy Carpet and Granite Tops offered the church financial incentives to get onboard with becoming incorporated, according to the report. If the plan moves forward the church will be incorporated and zoned as a commercial property, but it will be allowed to stay open.