James River Commons

Richmond, Virginia Homes for Sale

About James River Commons

James River Commons is a neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia. This community dates back to 2007 and has continued to develop over the years. James River Commons mostly features sprawling/expansive homes that are very reasonably priced.

Quick Facts

Closed Prices: $411,000 to $465,000

Median Sale Price: $452,000

Association Fee Ranges: $210/mo

Type: Single-Family Home

Age: 2007 to 2017

Sq. Ft.: 2020 to 3820 Sq. Ft.

Bedrooms: 3 to 5 Bedrooms

Bathrooms: 2 to 4 Bathrooms

Neighborhood Reviews

1 Review

AWFUL neighbors.

Dana D
We moved into this neighborhood with high hopes of a fresh start and it seemed like a friendly community. Boy, we were wrong! Besides a select few neighbors everyone in this neighborhood has been so absorbed in gossip. I believe this is our third year living here and has been the hardest year for our family yet and of course gossip erupted from the neighborhood. While trying to deal with our family health issues, we have been harassed the entire time. From being accused of smashing bottles on the road, being told to take our Christmas lights down (not ONE house puts up lights), having the cops called on us THREE times for brand new cars not have titles yet (when we have been in the process of selling old cars) and our awful neighbor constantly taking pictures of our cars and house this has been nothing but an awful living experience. I’m convinced the neighbors are out to get us and the president association this morning said quote: “I would love it if you guys moved”. We have done NOTHING to these people. We have invited them all to every holiday party we have thrown, given very nice gifts, and tried to be as welcoming as possible. This year was hard, and the neighbors have added to our stress tremendously. I don’t feel comfortable even walking my dog. The people in this neighborhood seem so miserable with their own lives they feel the need to pick on us relentlessly. If you are contemplating moving to this neighborhood, please keep this review in mind.
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